Hot-remove, Hot-add drives under Linux

UPDATE: See http://burning-midnight.blogspot.com/2013/01/hot-addremove-strangeness.html for some strangeness I encountered while doing the following...

I keep looking for this because I keep forgetting it.  Now I have two scripts that make my job a lot easier.  I also recently started using device aliasing under ZFSonLinux, meaning I can type things like "a1" and "b3" instead of scsi-1ATA_WDC_WD10JPVT-00A1YT0_WD-WXB1EA......

BUT the device aliasing has a downside; I'd still have to dig through the dev tree and match up zpool device names to their semi-real system counterparts...up till now!

Here's a script to scan every SCSI bus on the system, so that when you add a drive it should just find it (my system has 8 somehow, by the way):

for X in /sys/class/scsi_host/host?; do
  echo "- - -" > ${X}/scan

And here's a script I found and made one minor change to (had to fix what was maybe a typo or a difference in shells).  If you supply the exact device path (such as /dev/zpool/a5), it will hot-remove it for you.  Someone commented that calling the device by name (sda, sdb) works too, but this does not seem to be applicable where the ZFS device aliasing is concerned.  Anyway...

# (c) 2009 by Dennis Birkholz (firstname DOT lastname [at] nexxes.net)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You can received a copy of the GNU General Public License at
# .
function usage {
echo "Usage $0 [device]"
echo "Disable supplied SCSI device"
# Need a parameter
[ "$1" == "" ] &&
# Verify parameter exists
( [ ! -e "$1" ] || [ ! -b "$1" ] ) &&
echo "Supplied devices does not exist or is not a block device." >/dev/stderr &&
exit 1
# Verify SCSI disk entries exist in /sys
[ ! -d "/sys/class/scsi_disk/" ] &&
echo "Could not find SCSI disk entries in sys, aborting." >/dev/stderr &&
exit 2
# Get major/minor device string of device
major=$(stat --dereference --format='%t' "$1")
major=$(printf '%d\n' "0x${major}")
minor=$(stat --dereference --format='%T' "$1")
minor=$(printf '%d\n' "0x${minor}")
echo "Major/Minor number for device '$1' is '${deviceID}'..."
for device in /sys/class/scsi_disk/*; do
[ "$(< ${device}/device/block/*/dev)" != "${deviceID}" ] && continue
scsiID=$(basename "${device}")
echo "Found SCSI ID '${scsiID}' for device '${1}'..."
echo 1 > ${device}/device/delete
echo "SCSI device removed."
exit 0
echo "Could not identify device as SCSI device, aborting." >/dev/stderr
exit 4
I will say I'm a little disappointed that after all this time someone hasn't come up with a more well-published way to do this on systems.  Of course, most of us don't hot-swap our drives, so maybe I shouldn't be TOO disappointed.

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